IPS System

Software and hardware platform based on RFID/NFC technologies


AttivaCard®, is the software solution that monitors your access through RFID technology.
AttivaCard ® allows the activation and monitoring of any mechanised gates: parking, doors, elevators, barriers of all kinds can be managed with a single tool.Each zone can be programmed to allow access only to authorised parties, included in registries based on membership range.
With the same criteria the times of entry and exit of personnel can be acquired, through specific readers.

Everything revolves around a RFID reader
RFID systems are not all created equal. Contactless data transmission, in fact
ensures together with a safe
and cheap identification, also high suitability in multiple applications.
LThe homogeneous integration of the system allows for a fast and easy implementation of each application.
The different integration solutions of a RFID in a means, be it a credit card sized budge, a waterproof bracelet or a sticker to be applied to the car's windshield, optimise the use according to specific needs, ensuring the result.

The application requires that enabling the use of RFID devices may be attributed to individual consumers only by staff authorised and included in a specific data base.
Handlers can enable end users to all areas and related sub-areas or only to specific areas of the plant.
For the areas within their competence, then, they give end users the relevant pass, at the moment of delivery of the RFID Card.

RFID readers adopted have an internal memory able to store up to 5000 serial number for access.
To ensure access consistent with the anagraphical situation in the procedure database, for each reader the program features a list of serial numbers consistent with those stored in the reader.
When the database is modified, the program restores all serial number enabled for the individual readers interested.

It contains an advanced module for the management of the subscribers of car parks.
With this module you can manage access to car parks using RFID badges.
The software can enable a badge to access to a parking area and track the presence of the subscriber in the stop area, controlling the amount of parking area-enabled vehicles associated with the same badge.


PagaCard®, in your store is the electronic payment software to manage and use
ecustomer money in a simple and secure way.
La tecnologia PagaCard®, dona valore all’esperienza del consumatore che, adottando una nuova modalità di pa-gamento,
non vuole rinunciare all’efficienza dei servizi e ai vantaggi legati alla fidelity.
PagaCard ® technology, gives value to the consumer experience who, adopting a new payment mode,
doesn't want to renounce to the efficiency of the services and benefits linked to fidelity.

Everything revolves around a player
RFIDUSB Everything revolves around an USB RFID reader of proximity or around your Samsung Android device that turns on and reads the customer chip called TAG.
IThe USB RFID reader communicates with the TAG (label), it reads the data and transmits them to the retailer's computer that gets the money.
The features are the same as a regular POS, yet the management of the circuit is run without any bank interaction.
The customer receives the TAG in the form of traditional card (credit card size) or bracelet,
pendant or any other object easy to wear and take with him/her.

Imagine to load some money as on your phone, which your customer can use only in your (and your partners) shop, with the same features as a credit card.
The confidence the user puts in this system of prepaid card will be rewarded with attractive prices and discounts.

The card in this case holds infinite possibilities of discounts and points accumulation.
Advantages and promotions can be conceived based on the commercial and marketing options of each individual company.

The most widely used method to manage and monitor internal consumption.
Using a method of "service advance", you will be able to offer a CARD capable of recording in a realistic and reliable way customer or co-worker movements who, at a later time agreed with you, will pay the amount on the basis of their consumption.
